What's Included

Welcome to DogNostics and to this essential training resource for dogs who lack self-control in the presence of food.

Whether you are a pet dog guardian or a pet professional, we are sure that you will find the DogNostics 1O-Step How to Teach a Dog Self-Control in the Presence of Food Training Plan indispensable!

As professional dog trainers and behavior consultants, we understand how frustrating it is for pet dog guardians and pet care providers when a pet is unable to concentrate in the presence of food.

We want all pets and their guardians to enjoy training together and recognize that teaching a dog self-control and the ability to focus on the handler in the presence of food treats is fundamental if this is to occur.

This short but comprehensive, step-by-step training plan is an invaluable tool for anyone working with a food-obsessed dog or a dog that has become reliant on food in the hand. Follow each of the steps and you should soon have a dog that is able to focus in the presence of food!

Please note, dogs with a greater problematic response will pass through the training steps more slowly than those with a less pronounced problem. You should advance at a rate that is appropriate for the dog that you are working with.

Your Program Content Includes:

How to Use the Train-Test-Train Method (Pdf Handout)

Your 10-Training Step Video Files:

  • STEP 1 - The Bridging Stimulus
  • STEP 2 - The Treat Cupboard & Treat Pot
  • STEP 3 - More Treat Cupboard Games
  • STEP 4 - Generalization of the Treat Pot
  • STEP 5 - Treat Bag Questions
  • STEP 6 - Food in the Hand
  • STEP 7 - Me or the Food?
  • STEP 8 - Open Your Hand
  • STEP 9 - The Dog can Lie Down!
  • STEP 10 - Vary the Source of the Treat

Supplementary Lesson - How to Train a Hand Touch (Step-by-Step E-Learning Video File).

That's a total of over one hour of e-learning video files!

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