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The Dog Walking Academy - Skills, Knowledge & Business Tools
Hello and Welcome!
Welcome to the Dog Walking Academy (10:01)
An Overview of the DWA Course Format
The Business of Dog Walking
DWA Section 1. Module 1: Learning Theory - How Dogs Think & Learn
Module 1 Overview
Lesson 1 - Learning by Consequence (Operant Conditioning) (32:46)
Lesson 2 - Learning by Association (Classical Conditioning) (45:50)
Lesson 3 - Operant vs. Classical (12:44)
Lesson 4 - Canine Myth Busting. Part 1 (19:54)
Lesson 5 - Canine Myth Busting. Part 2 (24:58)
Take Module 1 Quiz - How Dogs Think & Learn!
DWA Section 1. Module 2: Canine Communication - Speaking Dog
Module 2 Overview
Lesson 1 - Ritualization (16:49)
Lesson 2 - Play Signals (27:19)
Lesson 3 - Calming/Appeasing/Cut-off/Stress Signals (27:55)
Lesson 4 - Fear Signals (16:49)
Lesson 5 - Warning Signals (16:03)
Lesson 6 - Tips for Reading Canine Body Language (36:06)
Lesson 7 - Body Language Practice
Take Module 2 Quiz - Canine Communication
DWA Section 1. Module 3: Aggression & Project Dogs - It's all Behavior
Module 3 Overview
Lesson 1 - Aggression: What & Why? (33:12)
Lesson 2 - Project Dogs (42:04)
Take Module 3 Quiz - Aggression & Project Dogs
DWA Section 1. Module 4: Dog Fights Prevention & Resolution
Module 4 Overview
Lesson 1 - Prevention (16:28)
Lesson 2 - Breaking Up Fights (19:06)
Take Module 4 Quiz - Dog Fights
DWA Section 2. Module 5: Running a Successful Dog Walking Business
Module 5 Overview
Lesson 1 - Introduction (4:24)
Lesson 2 - Legalities, Liabilities, & Ethics (28:54)
Lesson 3 - Rates & Policies (46:00)
Lesson 4 - Client Communication & Management (14:27)
Lesson 5 - Marketing (53:16)
Take Module 5 Quiz - Running a Successful Dog Walking Business
DWA Section 2. Module 6: Screening & Group Composition. Making Smart Choices
Module 6 Overview
Lesson 1 - Screening for Success (37:53)
Lesson 2 - Building Successful Groups (21:27)
Take Module 6 Quiz - Screening & Group Composition.
DWA Section 2. Module 7: Client Intake. Getting Off on the Right Foot & Paw
Module 7 Overview
Lesson 1 - Intake Overview. Steps to Success! (16:29)
Lesson 2 - The Meet & Greet (30:27)
Lesson 3 - Introducing a New Dog to a Group (10:50)
Take Module 7 Quiz - Client Intake
DWA Section 3. Module 8: Playing it Safe. Emergency Plannings & Protocols. Predicting the Unpredictable
Module 8 Overview
Lesson 1 - Preventing Emergencies (24:30)
Lesson 2 - Being Prepared (13:26)
Lesson 3 - Accident, Injury, & Bite Protocols (19:30)
Lesson 4 - Lost Dog Protocols (21:01)
Lesson 5 - Communicating Emergencies to Clients (20:00)
Take Module 8 Quiz - Emergency Planning & Protocols
DWA Section 3. Module 9: Canine First Aid. Building Critical Skills
Module 9 Overview
How to Access the Pet First Aid Certification Program
DWA Section 3. Module 10. Transporting Dogs. On the Road with Fido
Module 10 Overview
Lesson 1 - Transportation Challenges & Solutions (17:13)
Lesson 2 - Choosing a Vehicle. Four Wheels for Four Paws (22:53)
Take Module 10 Quiz - Car Manners & Safety
DWA Section 4. Module 11. Walk Management. Ready, Set, Walk!
Module 11 Overview
Lesson 1 - Setting the Tone (20:11)
Lesson 2 - Giving Feedback (27:29)
Lesson 3 - Proactive Walking (26:49)
Lesson 4 - Walk Etiquette (21:40)
Lesson 5 - Managing Project Dogs (43:39)
Lesson 6 - Management Equipment (17:37)
Lesson 7 - Body Language Practice. What Would You Do? (60:30)
Take Module 11 Quiz - Walk Management. Ready, Set, Walk!
DWA Section 4. Module 12. Walking Puppies. Taking Special Care
Module 12 Overview
Lesson 1 - Socialization. The Puppy's Future is Now! (23:21)
Lesson 2 - Training Foundations (8:54)
Lesson 3 - Sexual Maturity & Behavior (14:04)
Lesson 4 - Growth Plates. Protecting Puppies from Injury (10:07)
Take Module 12 Quiz - Walking Puppies: Taking Special Care
DWA Section 4. Module 13. Basic Training: Dog Training for Dog Walkers
Module 13 Overview
Lesson 1 - Training Basics for Easy Walks (23:01)
Lesson 2 - Teaching the Critical Cues (51:10)
Take Module 13 Quiz - Basic Training: Dog Training for Dog Walkers
DWA Section 5. Module 14. Coursework Review
Module 14 Overview
Your Coursework Review (12:45)
DWA Section 5. Module 15. Your Skill Submission
Module 15 Overview
Certification Agreement
Understand the Grading Criteria (15:17)
Submit Your Skill Videos for Assessment
Teach online with
How to Access the Pet First Aid Certification Program
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