An Overview of the DWA Course Format

The Dog Walking Academy Curriculum

Your Dog Walking Academy Program has been divided into five sections.

Each section is comprised of distinct modules.

Each module is comprised of various lessons.

Progress at your own pace in the comfort of your home!

The choice is yours!

You might decide you want to study one lesson at a time, or perhaps one module.

Time permitting, you may even decide that you are going to study a whole section!

To increase your understanding of the program format, please view the Curriculum Flowchart below.

DWA- DN Curriculum Flowchart.pdf

Your Online Quiz

In this updated DogNostics Dog Walking Academy Program, there is not a quiz after each lesson; rather there is an online quiz at the end of each module.

You will need to complete each quiz successfully, with a 100% pass grade, before you proceed to the next module.

As the purpose of all the end-of-module quizzes is to help consolidate your learning from all the lessons in that module, you will be permitted to take each quiz as many times as you need!

Your Final Skill Assessment

- Small Group Walk

Please note that throughout your Dog Walking Academy course, you will hear reference to a 'field trip'.

In the past, this assessment was conducted in person during a field trip with one of the dedicated DWA Field Trip Coaches. To streamline and enhance the process, we have made some adjustments.

The final skill assessment will no longer take place during an in-person field trip. Instead, it will be conducted via a series of video submissions.

These videos will be submitted to and evaluated by the experienced faculty members at DogNostics. This modification aims to provide a more flexible and accessible assessment process for DWA participants, enabling them to showcase their skills effectively.

We will provide full information regarding your skill assessment in the last module, but please see the Quick Reference Guide below for an overview.

The guide is available for you to download in Module 15.

It is designed to give you a quick reference tool in preparing for and submitting your final skill submission.


You should follow the program in the presented order. This means that you need to gain your First Aid Certificate (Module 9) BEFORE you submit your final assessment skills (Module 15)

Quick Reference Guide for DWA Skill Submission. DN.pdf
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