Your Program Overview

Welcome to DogNostics and to this essential training resource!

In this invaluable three-part skills and knowledge-based program, we provide a DogNostics’ Pet Dog Solution that combines the art, craft, and science, of teaching a fluent response to the 'leave' cue!

Whether it be something accidentally left on the floor, an item carelessly discarded by someone in the street, food left on a low table, or something on the kitchen counter; a person, an animal, another dog, or perhaps something toxic… Being able to ask a dog to leave something and for them to happily oblige, is, by many, considered an essential skill that all dogs should be taught. However, there are also those who adamantly believe we should not teach a ‘leave it’ cue. Why such strong opposing views?

Join Louise Stapleton-Frappell for a comprehensive, three-part course grounded in both skills and knowledge.

In this series of individual presentations, Louise delves into the myriad reasons to teach this cue, as well as the reasons some advocate against it. Beginning with a clear definition of the desired behavior - exactly what we want our dogs to do on hearing the verbal cue - she'll then unveil an enjoyable 10-step training 'recipe’, complete with all the necessary 'ingredients' to help your canine companion respond happily, promptly, and willingly.

Throughout this concise but information-packed course, you'll explore step-by-step training games designed to cover all the essential criteria needed to teach the chosen cue. These engaging training ‘steps’ promise enjoyment for both dogs and caregivers alike. You'll also become adept at using the 'Train-Test-Train' method to ensure a robust, fluent response, learn how to proof the desired behavior through fun games, and acquire the ability to adapt the 10-step training plan as needed.

This DogNostics course offers abundant video footage, providing clear demonstrations of every training step. It also includes invaluable tips and guidance for managing situations that may deviate from your plan.

You have the flexibility to watch each section in one go, or, if you prefer, we've divided them into bite-sized, individual lessons for your convenience!

Join us in this enlightening journey towards enhancing your dog's cooperation and creating a more enjoyable, secure, and enriching relationship.

The Individual Lessons


Is it Relevant?

The Dilemma

A Superfluous Cue?

A Potentially Life-Saving Cue?

Shared Meaning

Let’s Get Training – Condition a Happy Emotional Response to the Sound of the Cue!


Training Step 1 - Present Food in a Container

  • The Train-Test-Train Method
  • Present Food in Hand - 3 training game demonstrations

Training Step 2 - Present Food at Nose Height

Training Step 3 - Increase the Duration of 'Self-Control'

Training Step 4 - Present Food on the Floor

Training Step 5 - Present Food on a Mat

  • Suggested Increase in Criteria
  • Enthusiastic Greeters


Training Step 6 - Introduce the Verbal Cue

  • 3 additional training game demonstrations

Training Step 7 - Walk Past Food on a Mat

Training Step 8 - Food Between Handler & Dog

  • 1 additional training game demonstration

Training Step 9 - Drop Food from Height

  • Additional training game demonstration

Training Step 10 - Proof & Generalize

3 Additional Training Games - to practice & proof the cue & the skill


Louise Stapleton-Frappell is a highly accredited Canine Trainer & Behavior Consultant, holding accreditations from the Pet Professional Accreditation Board and the Asociación Nacional de Adiestradores Caninos Profesionales.

Louise's extensive industry certifications exemplify her dedication to force-free, ethical pet training and care. As a Partner and Faculty Member of DogNostics, she is deeply involved in educating and certifying pet professionals worldwide. Moreover, through both DogNostics and the DogSmith, she extends her passion for teaching pet dog guardians, impacting the lives of pets and improving family relationships.

Louise also serves as a Board Member of The Pet Professional Guild, a global organization for pet industry professionals.

If you would like to learn more about your course author & instructor, Louise Stapleton-Frappell, please listen to the short video below.

Your Course Author & Instructor.pdf
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